Saturday, January 22, 2011

Wait...I actually have school?

Despite the many adventures I have been having thus far, I do indeed have to go to class during my stay in Rome (don't worry mom & dad). However, even though I have to go to class, it's not real class, so I'm totally fine with it. Here's a break down of my schedule, be jealous.

Italian Class- I have this class four times a week with our adorable teacher Laura pronouced La-ow (like ow that hurt)-ra. Thank god I took spanish before, otherwise I'd be totally lost right now. But so far so good, and I actually have a few phrases down that I can use out and about.

Layers of Rome- Probably going to be my favorite class while I'm here. I'm already a history nerd to begin with, and this class just takes it to a whole new level. Unlike those of you who had to take a history gen ed and sit in the lovely Follinger Auditorium, I get to learn history at the actual sites where they occured. For instance, we had class on Tiber Island (which is a tiny island in the middle of the Tiber River that I pass everydayy going to class) this past Thursday to learn all about the history and founding of Rome as well as the major significance the island had, and still has to this day. Many of you are probably falling asleep now, so I will save the history lesson for my visitors when I tour guide them around Rome. Also I'm obsessed with our professor (but more on that another time).

Society and Culture- I have this class two days a week for an hour and a half each time. In this class we learn about how the attitudes and beliefs of previous generations of Italians still impact their society and politics today (for example, their lack of nationalism). I could also go out about all the cool things we learned in there too, but I'll save some of that for another post.

Food & Media- This is the class that I'm gonna try and spin during interviews to relate to advertising and all that jazz. In this class, we're going to learn about the differences between Italian food advertising and the US. We also have to write a blog about some of the different food we encounter (so get excited for more delicious looking Italian meals). Finally towards the end of the semester we get to make our own documentary and visit an Italian tv station which is similar to the Food Network!

Last class, drumroll plzzzzz...

FOOD AND CULTURE!!!!!!!!- Another AMazZzInG (can you tell how much I mean it by my use of different size letters?) class. We get to learn all about slow food movement and the intricacies and social meanings of various foods in Italy, learn about wine through wine tasting classes, visit a vineyard as well as a slow food movement farm, and have cooking classes where we learn how to cook things from chicken/fish, to pasta, to desserts. Oh we also have a group weekend trip to Cilento, a city farther south along the coast, it looks beautiful. That everyone, is what I like to call a WIN!!


I'm a tad under the weather tonight so I'm staying in, but I might try and do another post to catch everyone up on my week outside of class aka the more exciting stuff and start a segment about a topic I know I'm excited for...people watching (it needs a catchy title though so I'm open to suggestions).

Ciao for now brown cowzzzzz!

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