Monday, January 17, 2011

I will never again complain about 5 dollar cover

Quick Post, but Saturday was our first night out on the town in Roma, very interesting night. We all pregamed together in one of the girl's apartment and took taxi's to a club called Gildas.

Roommates on the first night out!

That first night out was definitely an experience in cultural differences between Rome and good 'ol Chambana. Cover at this club was like 15 euro, which is insane considering I think its stupid when we have to pay 5 dollar cover at school. So naturally I did what I always do, tried to run past the cover guy when he wasn't looking. BIG no-no. The security guard saw me, grabbed my shoulder, and proceeded to make me leave the club, no questions asked. Luckily I can be charming and persuasive and quickly got back in after talking to the doorman, unfortunately though I had to pay cover (hell naw am I going back there again).

However I was the first of many in our group that were kicked out/ran away from the security guard to avoid getting kicked out (silly amuricanz). We eventually left the club and wandered home after getting lost for almost two hours. Don't worry though to anyone who might come visit me. I'm learning my way around the city fairly quickly and I will charge a low price for my tour guiding skillz.

Anyway, these past two days have been crazy busy and I have so many more updates but I'm in desperate need of sleep so it's gonna have to wait. Ciao a tutti!!

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