Friday, January 14, 2011

Ciao Roma!!!!

So these past 24 hours have been insane but totally worth it. We got to the airport around 1230 only to find out our flight was delayed due to a volcano in Sicily?!? No fear, it only ended up being a little less than two hours and we were in the air in no time.

Now normally I am not a fan of flying but this flight was a welcome change of pace. The beverage cart came around a few times and I helped myself to a few glasses of vino (thats wine in Italian, see I'll be fluent in no time). Then came dinner which looked janky but tasted great. Then they put on the Social Network (great movie) and I took my tylenol pm, fell asleep, and woke up a little less than an hour before landing. 

After landing and getting our bags all 32 of filed out of the airport one by one with all our bags and caused quite the scene. Since our program is majority girls, we all had at least three pieces of luggage and it was more than the storage compartments in the bus could handle so we had to squeeze all the extra luggage into the aisles.

Then we finally got to our apartments which is where I am writing now. These apartments are sweet by the way. Nicer than I ever imagined and probably nicer than a lot of apartments in Champaign.

My room

View from our balcony

Our kitchen

So that's all for now. Trevs, I promise I will keep it interesting, I'm just too tired right now.


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