Monday, March 7, 2011

Unofficial Part 2

I don't know if I am proud or ashamed of the coherency of my Unofficial blog post. Part of me thinks that one should never be able to write anything intelligible after celebrating such a holiday yet as I have been coming to find, tipsy blog posts are becoming my thing.

But since I actually didn't talk about details from our Unofficial celebrations I'll do a quick little timeline of our night afternoon.

2:21pm-Return home from TV station field trip...time to go green
3:00pm- Begin "power hour"
4:25pm-Maggie shows of her dancing skillz before we leave the apartment

4:30?-Hittin up da streets
4:40pm-Waiting for the tram

4:42pm-Play many rounds of 5 during the tram ride. Created by our very own Ellen, 5 is a very intricate game where everyone chugs for 5 seconds while one person counts to 5 with their hand. After the five seconds are up, everyone high fives. Repeat. Italians thought we were a little cray cray.
4:53pm-Begin our slew of Illini cheers as we head toward the pantheon
5:00pm-Picture & beer in front of the pantheon
5:25pm-Arrive at highlanders for all you can drink beer for 10 euro--->death
6:17pm???-Maggie busts out her dance skillz again at the bar
6:32????-Bridget hired as the new bartender??????
The timeline really starts to blur after that but we chilled at Highlanders for quite some time, ventured over the the Trevi, got gelato, and hit up Scholars. My night ended when I got an entire pizza from the Asian pizza place and ate the whole thing.

Saturday night we dressed to impress to celebrate CARNIVAL!! Our lovely club promoter manfriend got us on the list for Babel, which was super swanky and fancy and awesome! Plus there were actually cool people there and way less creepers so our butts were safe from the ass grabs we are normally subjected to when we go clubbing. Which meant I was free to let loose and get my dance on. Those of you familiar with my dancing skills might cringe at that thought, but the Italians seem to love my dance moves.

Sunday morning my mom and sister arrived!! I'm so excited to have them here this whole week and will have a lot to write about their visit. Look forward to a guest post from Becca when we team up for a segment we like to call "statues, inspired by statues".

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