Monday, February 7, 2011

OMG...Another Blog???

Those who know me can attest to the fact that I love food. I'm all up in the food scene in Chambana from Geos, to Antonios, to Silvermine and even the occasional Fat Sandwich. I even ate 10 hot dogs once. So obviously the description for the Food & Culture program sold me on coming to Roma. Now for my Food & Media class I'm required create and maintain a food blog documenting my thoughts & experiences with food in Italy and in my travels.

I decided to create a separate blog for my class, because honestly I don't think Ricardo cares to read about my adventures getting kicked out of clubs, nor do I think I'd want him to. So I'll put the link here and in the sidebar of this blog for those of you want to watch me gain weight via the internet.

Here ya go...Ciao Down!!

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