This was an amazing weekend in Rome. The only thing that stopped it from being a perfect weekend was that I lost my camera. Those of you who know my camera history probably aren't too surprised, or maybe you are, because honestly how could I lose another camera? Well you're gonna have to stay tuned in order to find out!
Friday night we had some lovely visitors from Granada come and stay with us so we obviously had to show them what Roman nightlife is like. We decided that the club district of Testaccio was a great place to start. After a very successful pregame we ventured over there. One of the clubs we really like, Coyote was only letting dudes in,
(which was very strange because the drag queen bar is right next door) so that was a no go. I'm starting to think Testaccio is like the Boyz Town of Rome. Luckily we were not lacking in clubs to visit and finally made it to Akab where we proceeded to break it down on the dance floor. Most of you, especially those who know me would guess that it was at this point that I lost my camera, but no, it survived the clubs.
Saturday we went to a limited time Vincent Van Gogh exhibit
( I'm really artsy) which was very cool.
Entrance to the Exhibit |
And honestly what's more Italian than a Dutch painter whose paintings include depictions of the expanding Parisian suburbs and peasant life? <-----Obviously I learned a lot, mostly due to the little headset tour things we rented. Pictures weren't allowed in the exhibit, so once again my camera survived.
That night was Roma vs. Napoli futbol game, which is a huge rivalry, I think mostly due to the fact that Naples fans are crazy. They stab people from what we've heard so we made sure to get tickets in the heart of the Roma crowd. Since it was a futbol game, it was necessary that we have a futbol block before hand. So after a solid game of Edward Peroni-hands we headed out to the game.
The security at the game was more intense than the TSA but after a few id checks and several pat downs we made it into the game which was so insane and fun.
they gonna fight!! |
The Rome fans had so many chants, songs, and profanities that they constantly hurled at the Naples fans. Unfortunately we lost, but that will hopefully be the first of many games for me. Especially since its only 10 euro for a woman's ticket? (Our guy friends paid 28...lolz) I don't really understand that but hey, I'm not complaining. After a rowdy block and a rowdy game we headed out to 420 bar in Trastevere....with camera.
Today rounded out the almost perfect weekend with an adorable bike ride down the oldest road in Rome, the Appain way which was built in like 300 BC. One time after a slave uprising, they crucified like 6000 slaves and lined the road with their bodies as a warning to others not to mess. I'm sure that was a great tourism booster. Luckily the bodies are gone and now its just pretty trees, ruins, and ritzy Italian villas.
Most random part of the day was when we stopped at an Italian "garage sale". We saw the sign and thought hey why not, so we rode our bikes down a big stone driveway to this swanky Italian villa. Their version of a garage sale reminded us of a fancy graduation party, it wasn't even in a garage. They had music playing, a table full of h'orderves and pastries and a seemly drunk older woman singing piano bar tunes. They were selling their fancy Fendi purses and leather jackets and we realized this garage sale was a little out of our price range.
As we neared the bike return I realized I lost my camera. Pretty sure it was at the fancy garage sale but when we returned it was nowhere to be found. So yes, I lost camera number 6 at a fancy garage sale, win. At least it's a better story than losing it at Kams...
So that basically covers my almost perfect weekend. You may be wondering right now how this blog is filled with photos if my camera died today. Well I'd like to thank Facebook for that. As long as that exists, I'm convinced I should never again own a camera (and honestly probably not even a phone).